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About Global Education Services

At Global Education Services, we specialize in providing academic and educational services to students aspiring to study in the United States. With a rich history of success, we excel not only in securing university admissions but also in supporting students throughout their academic journey until they achieve their goals and graduate.

We are Global Education Services, dedicated to facilitating connections between students and prestigious U.S. universities. With our specialized focus, we offer comprehensive support spanning from the application process to graduation. Through our established partnerships and extensive expertise, we ensure that each student's educational path is guided toward success.

Our vision at Global Education Services is to empower every student to become a respected ambassador for their nation in the United States. We are committed to offering holistic guidance and support to students, ensuring their academic journeys are fulfilled, and they return home with a sense of pride in their achievements.

At Global Education Services, our mission is fueled by our unwavering passion for education. We are committed to maximizing student success and enhancing institutional effectiveness. Through our personalized approach, we assist students in crafting academic and career plans tailored to their aspirations. Additionally, we facilitate connections between institutions and students, ensuring alignment and progress towards shared goals. Our success is intrinsically linked to the achievements of our students and partners.

Why Choose


Accreditation and Legality

Global Education Services, also known as "The Ambassador," is a legally accredited company registered in the state of New Jersey, USA.

Free Services

We understand the financial challenges students face and provide our distinguished services for free. Our goal is to assist students without adding to their financial burden, ensuring they receive the support they need at no extra cost.

Speed and Efficiency

Our success is built on our ability to provide fast admissions for bachelor's and language programs. We pride ourselves on securing admissions within three days of receiving complete application documents from students.

Strong University Relationships

We maintain close and strong relationships with university staff at all levels, particularly with admissions officers and deans. These connections allow us to effectively advocate for our students and secure their placements.

Experience from the Ground

Our strength lies in the firsthand experience of our founder and president, Beautiful Sorour, who graduated with honors from the United States with a master’s degree. This experience translates into a deep understanding of the educational landscape and the ability to represent students effectively.

Jamil Srour, MBA
Director of Institutional Relations
Global Education Services
Whatsapp 011-5404676823
Skype Jamil.srour123

Meet Our CEO

Jamil Sorour leads Global Education Services with a commitment to student success and a vision of creating opportunities for international students in the U.S. Her personal academic journey and professional expertise form the backbone of our organization's strength and effectiveness.

At Global Education Services, we are committed to maximizing student success and institutional effectiveness. Our comprehensive solutions allow students to develop personalized academic and career plans based on their goals, interests, abilities, and learning styles. We measure our achievements by the success of our students and partners. When our clients succeed, we succeed.