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Your Gateway to Global Education Success

Empowering students from application to graduation with comprehensive support and guidance.

+1 540-4676823

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Our Key Services

Academic Advice

Personalized guidance to help you choose the right programs and courses."

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Application Guidance

Expert assistance to ensure your applications stand out.

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Accommodation and Transportation

Helping you find the perfect place to live and commute.

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Support in resolving any issues with your university.

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About us

Who weare ?.

At Global Education Services, we specialize in connecting students with top U.S. universities, providing unparalleled support from application through to graduation. Our partnerships and expertise ensure that every student’s educational journey is a success.

Our Mission

At Global Education Services, our passion for education drives us to maximize student success and institutional effectiveness. We help students develop personalized academic and career plans and connect institutions with the right students, ensuring everyone stays on track to achieve their goals. Our success is measured by the success of our students and partners.


Our Core Values

There’s magic in our energy, our spaces, our people and our discoveries. There’s even magic in our motivation: our unblinking belief that we can eradicae childhood disease — so that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.

Commitment to Student Success

We are dedicated to ensuring that every student achieves their academic and career goals through personalized support and guidance from application to graduation.

Integrity and Transparency

We uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our interactions, providing clear, honest, and accurate information to our students and partners.

Global Community and Cultural Exchange

We foster a diverse and inclusive environment that promotes cultural exchange and global understanding, connecting students from around the world with top U.S. educational institutions.

Recruitment Sources

How We Recruit.

We work with government-sponsored programs, initiate new country programs, and leverage connections with cultural missions in the Middle East to bring you the best opportunities.

Our Partners

We Partner With Universities in the US

Blog And More

Inspiring discovery corner.

An environment full of interesting blog posts, inspiring stories and up-to-date information sharing awaits you here.

What Our Students Say